Yet proponents carried the day, and the house and Senate passed the social security act. 然而支持者占优势,众议院和参议院通过了这条法案。
For old people the Social Security Act provided two kinds of assistance. 社会保障法对老年人提供两种帮助。
According to the Social Security Act, families of that size below poverty line are eligible to receive benefits from the special welfare pro-gram. 根据美国社会福利法案,四口之家收入在贫穷线以下的,有权领取社会福利救济金。
Under sane administrative statutes, such as the Social Security Act, review occurs initially in a federal district court. 根据一些行政法规,如社会保险法,复审最初由联邦地区法院负责。
The Social Security Act provided survivors'benefits with proof of marriage. 社会保障法规定根据婚姻证明提供遗属津贴。
The issue of social security lottery ticket is an effective way to collect idle capitals in society and propel social security drive, also a vital act to promote the development of lottery ticket market in our country. 发行社会保障彩票是吸引社会闲散资金,推动社会保障事业发展的有效途径,也是促进我国彩票市场发展的重要举措,它具有帕累托改进的性质。
Related injuries that confirm whether the facts meet the work-related injuries of workers disabled behavior, mainly the applicants of work-related injuries apply to the social security administration departments, social security administration departments in accordance with the laws and regulations to make the confirmation of an act. 工伤认定是对劳动者的伤残事实是否符合工伤而作出确认的行为,主要是工伤申请人向社会保险行政部门提出申请,社会保险行政部门依据法律法规作出确认的一种行为。
The basic function of the Social Security Act is to protect the right to life, maintain social justice, and ensure the stability of the social order. 社会保障法的基本功能是保障人的生存权利,维护社会公平,保证社会秩序的稳定。
Finally, summarize the current maritime traffic accident personal injury compensation system of the Social Security Act. 最后归纳整理现行水上交通事故人身损害赔偿的社会保障法体系。
The countries of the British and American law system adopt the principle of mistake duty, but they have strong social security system to act as the applied protection. 英美法系国家主张采用过错责任的归责原则,但有发达的社会保险制度作为其配套的保障。
1349 Edward III, the United Kingdom implementation of the "Poor Law," indicating the Social Security Act in the United Kingdom infancy. 1349年英国爱德华三世施行《济贫法》,标志着社会保障法在英国的萌芽。
Second, in order to perfect social security budget legislation, suggests to establish separate "social security budget act", to social security budget preparation, examination and approval, implementation and supervision and other public budget and the relationship between the content such as comprehensive regulations. 其次,为了完善社会保障预算立法,我国可以考虑制定单独的《社会保障预算法》,对社会保障预算的编制、审批、执行、监督以及和其他公共预算的关系等内容进行全面规定。
With The introduction of "China Social Security Act", the already widely-criticized old-age insurance for civil servants became more concerned. 随着事业单位养老保险制度改革在五省市进行试点和《中国社会保险法》的出台,原本就广为人诟病的公务员养老保险问题更加引人关注。